Super Mother Unleashed
This show is about Child and Mother’s Health and their Lifestyle, hosted by Soma Thakur, one of the Top Mother Coaches in India. She talks about Healthy Cooking, Immunity Boosters, and Day to day problems of struggling Mothers to help them create Empowering ways, Techniques, Natural Home remedies, etc. Follow and Subscribe to this show, As we bring you everything that goes behind the curtains to help you become Super Mother and reach new milestones.
Super Mother Unleashed
How to Keep Kids Happy & Healthy ? : SMU43
In this episode today I would like to talk about; What Parents Can Do for Children to Plant the Seeds of Lifelong Success,
Give our child emotional support. "our job being a Mother is to love and accept our children for who they are. Even as we set limits for them, a child needs to feel loved through every emotion they have and through any behavior.
Never shame our child. Avoid giving our children the message that they or their ideas are bad, especially with younger children.
Every time not to control our child. Let me share with you this example whenever my daughter chooses to dress in mismatched clothing, I never say no it was bad or it doesn't look good on her, I just go with it. Otherwise, what I am doing here not sending her the message that "your own initiatives and decisions are not good. That can discourage her mentally.
Avoid constantly correcting our child. if they put together a puzzle the "wrong" way, hold back from telling them they've done it wrong. Let them experiment and imagine a world where there is more than one right answer, more than one way to do something. "That's how our kids get to think outside the box.
Think of the learning process as a series of experiments, not a series of tests. Kids especially young children don't define mistakes the way we do. "For them, it's all just a part of the process." For a child, if something doesn't work, it's an opportunity to learn and try again. Allowing our children to figure this out on their own teaches them flexibility and in turn, they can gather loads of confidence in themselves.
Give children opportunities for engaging play, not just unstructured play. Kids need time to play in the outdoor world in whatever way they choose to. Let them discover things for themselves. This is how you nurture a creative and innovative thinker. Let them analyze and select how things have to be done.
Teaching our child emotional balancing, but how does that happen. "It's our job to make our children happy but also we have to teach them to understand how to work through the bad times.
We can't just neglect our child's feelings like sadness, disappointment, frustration, or fear, but what we can do is to help them recognize those feelings and educate them on how to deal with them. We need to be there with them, That's how they learn how to handle when things don’t go the way we expect. "And that's how we'll raise a truly extraordinary human being.
Please listen and share your view on this episode and let me know if you want me to cover any topic write to me at and for more updates follow me on Instagram @somathakur.mothercoach.
Soma Thakur
Mother Coach, Lifestyle Educator & Mentor
Checkout my daughter's Podcast @princessanaishashow available on Spotify, Apple Podcast & YT Music.