Super Mother Unleashed
Super Mother Unleashed Podcast is about Kids Health and Mother’s Lifestyle, hosted by Soma Thakur, one of the Top Mother Coaches in India. She talks about Healthy Cooking, Immunity Boosters, and Day to day problems of struggling Mothers to help them create Empowering ways, Techniques, Natural Home remedies, etc. Tune in to Super Mother Unleashed and let Soma Thakur share her advice on child-mother's health and lifestyle. Soma Thakur is one of the most popular coaches in India, who frequently talks about healthy cooking, immunity boosters, and many day-to-day problems of moms. If you are struggling to nail your motherhood responsibilities and simultaneously achieve your milestones, Super Mother Unleashed is one of the best podcasts for moms to listen to. The show covers everything going behind the curtains of what it takes to be a Super Mother.
Super Mother Unleashed
Jaime Mathews (Entrepreneur & Author): SMU37
In this episode, I am having a conversation with Jaime Mathews who is a Super Mother of 05 beautiful Children, a Trained health educator, Entrepreneur, Author. She dynamically manages her personal and professional life. Her love for skincare products is crazy. She has shared so many beautiful and great tips to take care of our skins easily at home with very few ingredients.
For her, family comes first and she always makes sure to balance her personal and professional front in such a way that every moment she enjoys whatever she does.
Her motherhood journey is fantastic, she is managing her life with 05 children, how beautifully she is maintaining everything with her work. Her new entrepreneurial venture has given her immense pleasure and happiness. She independently handled all her work and found it very interesting.
Her only mantra is to move ahead although you have other things to do which you cannot ignore is believe in yourself and your ability. I was very lucky to know lots of facts from her and would request all of you to please listen to her through this Podcast. I would also like to request if you have any topic or any thoughts about my podcast write to me at and follow me on Instagram @somathakur.mothercoach for more updates.
Soma Thakur
Motherhood Coach, Lifestyle Educator & Mentor